Brute Force Uninstaller (BFU) is a scripting program that can execute a series of preset commands like a Windows batch file, aimed at uninstalled programs that are hard to remove, uninstall improperly or simply unwanted.
Myantispyware team 4 Comments Free Software
Brute Force Uninstaller (BFU) is a scripting program that can execute a series of preset commands like a Windows batch file, aimed at uninstalled programs that are hard to remove, uninstall improperly or simply unwanted.
Myantispyware team No Comment Rogue Anti Spyware
Sunbelt team found a new scam, which does a fake scan of your PC. It installs a toolbar and an exe in a webspyshield folder however, it is a fake web based scam. You have to be connected for it to run and I would hate to think what anyone may pay for to register
Myantispyware team 407 Comments Free Software
ComboFix is a program written by sUBs, that removes spyware, malware, rogue antispyware apps and Vundo infections. Also it deletes a bunch of files related to the infections and is updated fairly regularly. When Combofix finished, it will produce a report for you. Power user can use the report to search and remove infections that
Myantispyware team No Comment Rogue Anti Spyware
Sunbelt blog and Swatkat reported about new Fake Microsoft Antispyware Center. . The website that pushes this rogue application calls itself as “Microsoft Antispyware Center”! Layout of this website is identical to old rogue applications like SpyShredder, MalwareMonitor etc. Read more: Fake Microsoft Antispyware Center Rogue application pretends as Microsoft Antispyware