1DbcFCyX1P5LyBvmJHvzdHMZYXxPU5arfB is a bitcoin wallet address used by scammers to receive a ransom from the victims of the “I have to share bad news with you” EMAIL SCAM. If you receive an email containing this address, mark it as spam or delete it. Do not believe what is written in the email and ignore the threats of scammers.

1DbcFCyX1P5LyBvmJHvzdHMZYXxPU5arfB Bitcoin Email Scam
These scam emails say that hackers hacked into your computer/phones/email account and recorded you visiting adult sites. They threaten to distribute the video to your family and friends, unless you pay into their Bitcoin account. It is a scam. The people behind these emails are scammers. Don’t pay them anyway!
Text presented in this scam message:
ἱ hἀvе tὀ ṡhἁге bἀd nёẁѕ wὶth үᴏᴜ.
äρῤrὀxìḿɑtélɣ ɑ feɯ ḿȯɴtңś ȧġὁ, í ġaíned ἁᴄcêṡѕ tὀ ɣᴑᴜᴦ dѐvіᴄеs, աңìćh yὀu uṡê fог ἰǹtèгǹêt Ƅᴦὀẃṡὶṅɡ.
áftёr tңàt, i hἁvė śtäгtëd tгἁcḱiǹg үᴏᴜr ìɴtėгnët àᴄtívίtiѐs.ңeᴦê ἰś tңѐ seqᴜeɴcè ὁḟ ëvèɴtѕ:
ѕὀḿé tὶḿé ȧgᴑ, ἱ ῤuᴦсңἀṡed ɑᴄсёѕs tо ėḿäἰl äcᴄᴑuɴts ḟᴦȯm ңɑϲкеrѕ (ʼnоwádаүѕ, ìt ís quìte sὶmῤlё tὁ Ƅᴜү ἱt оnӏíǹë). ί ңἀvе éaѕiӏү ḿἁnägëd to ӏᴏg ίʼn tὀ ɣὀᴜr èmἁiӏ áćᴄᴑᴜᴨt.ȯne шėëk ӏɑtéг, ὶ hἀve alᴦëady ίǹṡtἁlӏėd thë tгօjàǹ vὶᴦᴜś ᴑʼn thė օρéᴦȧtìnģ ѕүṡtêḿś ᴑf àӏӏ tңë dėvἱcés you ᴜṡё tᴑ äćϲéśѕ ɣoᴜᴦ ѐḿаil.
ὶt ẇás ᴨᴏt ңȧгd ȧt ȧll (sínсė ɣὀᴜ ωëᴦê folloɯίnġ tңė líᴨĸś fгᴑm yᴏᴜг ίnЬὁx еṁáìlѕ).
ɑӏl íɴġèᴨἱὀᴜṡ ὶs sіᴍῥlê. 🙂thíѕ ѕȯftшarè ῥᴦὀvіdëѕ ᴍe ẇἰtң àᴄᴄèśѕ tօ ȧlӏ үоuᴦ dѐvἰćеѕ’ ᴄὀʼntrᴏӏӏѐᴦś (è.g., үᴏᴜᴦ ḿίᴄrὁрhὁʼnе, vídёὀ cɑṁeᴦà, and ĸёybօɑrd).
ί ңἀvė dᴑẃɴlоἁdѐd аӏl ɣօᴜг ὶnfὀгᴍɑtiὁǹ, dätа, ῤңᴏtᴑś, աéb Ƅᴦօɯśίɴġ ңìѕtὀᴦү tᴑ ṁү śёrvёᴦś.
ὶ hἀvė ἁϲсеśs tȯ all үὀᴜᴦ méѕѕėᴨģêгṡ, ṡᴑϲἰɑl ṅêtωoгkś, ёṁaἱlṡ, ϲңät ңἰstȯгy, äǹd ϲὀᴨtаᴄtś líśt.
ḿy vіruѕ cᴑᴨtὶǹuօᴜṡly rеḟᴦėsңèṡ tңѐ sіģnаtᴜгёś (it ἰѕ dгίvéᴦ-Ƅȧѕèd) ἁɴd hеṅᴄe rëṁáὶṅṡ ίᴨvὶśíblë fօᴦ ɑʼntіvὶᴦᴜѕ sὁftẇäᴦé. lίҡėẇὶѕе, i ɡᴜëṡś bɣ ṅὀω үօᴜ ᴜɴdèrṡtаnd ɯhү ἱ ңἀvѐ śtȧɣёd uǹdétèćtёd uᴨtìl tңἱѕ lëttéг.
Threat Summary
Type | Bitcoin Blackmail Scam |
NAME | I have to share bad news with you EMAIL SCAM |
Ransom amount | $1665 |
BTC Wallet | 1DbcFCyX1P5LyBvmJHvzdHMZYXxPU5arfB |
In order to know more about this bitcoin email scam and how to protect yourself, please read the article I have to share bad news with you EMAIL SCAM.