Spyware Warrior reports about new rogue anti spyware -Ultimate Defender Uses flawed, inadequate detections scheme. Same app as 1stAntiVirus, KillSpy, SpyDeface, SpyContra, & XSRemover Downloadable from udefender.com.
Myantispyware team No Comment Rogue Anti Spyware
Spyware Warrior reports about new rogue anti spyware -Ultimate Defender Uses flawed, inadequate detections scheme. Same app as 1stAntiVirus, KillSpy, SpyDeface, SpyContra, & XSRemover Downloadable from udefender.com.
Myantispyware team No Comment Trojan
Redbrowser.A is J2ME based Java Midlet that sends SMS messages to specific number. The Redbrowser pretends to be a WAP browser that offers free WAP browsing using free SMS messages to send the WAP page contents. But what Redbrowser actually does is to send SMS messages to one specific number thus it may cause financial
Myantispyware team No Comment Virus
The Mobile Antivirus Researchers Association claims to have detected the first worm that can jump from a PC to a Windows Mobile-powered wireless device. The ‘Crossover’ worm nests itself in a directory on a Windows PC where it will automatically activate once the user connects a Windows Mobile device using Microsoft ActiveSync. The digital pest
Myantispyware team No Comment Worms
Yesterday Kaspersky Lab came across a worm with a German (speaking) background, Email-Worm.Win32.Skowor.b. In contrary to programs like GPCode, Skowor is able to replicate; it tries to spread via a share that it creates. When installed, the worm displays a message telling the user that s/he has 5 pc reboots in order to get a
Myantispyware team No Comment Rogue Anti Spyware
Spyware Warrior reports about new rogue anti spyware – The Spyware Shield The Spyware Shield uses inadequate detection scheme. This app as Ad-Purge Spyware Remover, Privacy Crusader, & Spy Reaper Downloadable from thespywareshield.com
Myantispyware team No Comment Virus
A new variant of W32/Feebs is making the rounds. Fellow handler Bojan has spent quite some time with de-obfuscating the JavaScript and VB code, and we’re still looking at what it does besides downloading base64 encoded versions of W32/Feebs. You might want to block access to *.coconia.net *.by.ru *.kazan.bz *.t35.com *.freecoolsite.com *.nm.ru until the AV
Myantispyware team No Comment Worms
Leap.A is a binary file compiled for Mac OS X. It arrives in an archive file, called ‘latestpics.tgz’. When the executable in the archive is opened the virus activates. First it drops an icon resource and an external hook bundle which is used for spreading through iChat. Spreading through iChat Leap.A installs a bundle to
Myantispyware team No Comment Trojan, Virus, Worms
F Secure have received a new Bagle mass-mailer. This Bagle mass-mailer first appeared on February 9th, 2006. It spreads in e-mails sometimes pretending to be an antivirus definition file from Symantec. The worm also spreads to shared folders. In addition it drops a trojan downloader. F Secure detect this new mass mailer as W32/Bagle.FM@mm. When
Myantispyware team No Comment Rogue Anti Spyware
A new rogue anti-spyware application has surfaced as a replacement for SpyAxe/SpywareStrike. Behold: SpyFalcon! Once installed this program will issue fake taskbar alerts, which look like Windows Security alerts, stating that you are infected with various viruses and advising you to click on the icon to remove them. Once you click on the icon Spyfalcon
Myantispyware team No Comment Exploits & Vulnerabilities, Trojan, Virus
In January, Sdbot.ftp was the malware specimen most frequently detected by the free online antivirus solution Panda ActiveScan. In addition to this malicious code topping the ranking for the seventh month running, other notable aspects of this month’s list include the second place held by WMF Exploit and the presence of Tearec.A/W32.Blackmal.E@mm /BlackWorm virus or