If Malwarebytes Anti-malware won’t install, run or update, then you’ve probably got malware or the effects of malware on the computer (some types of malware will disable Malwarebytes Anti-malware and other security tools). The following instructions is a guide that will help you to solve the most common problems when you install, run and update Malwarebytes.
- Malwarebytes won’t install
- Malwarebytes Anti-malware won’t run
- Malwarebytes Anti-malware won’t update
- Cannot use the Internet and download Malwarebytes Anti-malware
1. Malwarebytes won’t install
1.1 Before saving Malwarebytes Anti-malware rename it first
Once you have clicked to a download link you will see a Save dialog like below.
Change file name MBSetup.exe to explorer.exe like a screen below.
Then click on Save and save it to your desktop.
Double Click explorer to install the application.
Note: several good names that you can use: explorer.exe, iexplore.exe, firefox.exe, userinit.exe, myapp.exe or use any random name
1.2 Change Malwarebytes Anti-malware installation file extension
You need turn on “show file extensions for known file types” before doing it.
Click Start, then click Computer as shown below.
This will open a Computer screen.
Click to Organize and select Folder and Search options like a screen below.
After the new window appears select the View tab. You will see a window as shown below.
Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled “Hide file extensions for known file types” and press the Apply button and then the OK button. Now your computer is configured to show file extensions for known file types.
Right-click on an installation file (MBSetup.exe for Malwarebytes Anti-malware) and select Rename.
Next, replace .exe extension with .bat, .com, .pif, or .scr like a screen below.
Press Enter and then double-click on it to run.
2. Malwarebytes Anti-malware won’t run
2.1 Rename the main executable file
Click Start, type in Search field %ProgramFiles% (if you using Windows 2000/XP, Click Start, Run, then type in Open field) as shown below.
Press Enter. It will open a contents of ProgramFiles folder.
Next, open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware folder. Right-click on the mbam.exe file and select Rename option as a screen below.
Type explorer.exe and press Enter. Double-click on it to run.
Note: several good names that you can use: explorer.exe, iexplore.exe, firefox.exe, userinit.exe, myapp.exe or use any random name
2.2 Boot your computer in the Safe mode
- Restart your computer.
- After hearing your computer beep once during startup, but before the Windows icon appears, press F8.
- Instead of Windows loading as normal, a menu should appear.
- Select the first option, to run Windows in Safe Mode.
Run Malwarebytes Anti-malware once again.
2.3 Log in Windows using a new created user account
- Click Start -> Settings -> Control panel.
- Click User Accounts and create a new account.
- Reboot your computer and login Windows using a previously created user account.
Run Malwarebytes Anti-malware or your security program.
2.4 Run TDSSKiller
Probably your computer is infected with TDSS trojan/rootkit. It may block various antivirus and antispyware programs from running.
Download TDSSKiller from the link below and unzip it to your desktop.
Open tdsskiller folder and run TDSSKiller. Follow the prompts.
2.5 Use Inherit.exe to fix inappropriate permissions
Use this fix, when you see a box that states “Windows cannot not access the specified device, path, or file. You may have inappropriate permissions to access the item”.
Download the Inherit.exe tool from the following link:
Save it next to mbam.exe (this file is located in the Malwarebytes Anti-malware home folder). Once done, drag and drop mbam.exe into Inherit.exe. Click OK and attempt to run Malwarebytes Anti-malware once again.
3. Malwarebytes Anti-malware won’t update
3.1 Manually download and install Malwarebytes Anti-malware update
- Download Malwarebytes Anti-malware updates from
https://data.mbamupdates.com/tools/mbam-rules.exe - Save it to your desktop.
- Double-click on mbam-rules.exe to install.
3.2 Copy the Malwarebytes Anti-malware definitions (rules.ref) from a clean computer
You can update through MBAM’s interface from a clean computer, copy the definitions (rules.ref) located in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware (Windows XP and 2000) or C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware\rules.ref (Windows Vista and Windows 7) from that system to a usb stick or CD and then copy it to the infected machine.
4. Cannot use the Internet and download Malwarebytes Anti-malware
You will need access to another computer that has a connection.
From the computer download and save a setup package (installation file) to a flash, usb, jump drive or CD. Now transfer it to the infected machine, then install and run the program.
If you cannot transfer to or install on the infected machine, try running the setup package (installation file) directly from the flash drive or CD by double-clicking on the file so it will install on the hard drive.
OMG, u rock! Renaming the .exe file worked famously! I knew there was something wrong with this computer :0)
Thank you so much. My little “gift” removed the .exe extension from the mbam file. I discovered this by following your advice and added back the extension. Hey presto – my scan is now running and hopefully the problem will be fixed very soon.
u rock dude…
couldnt believe renaming a file would make it work…
had trouble with spybot not starting up too… click the icon and nothing happens, would this work on that too?
youre a diamond mate..!!
thanx x 100,000,000
Have followed instructions for removing think point but it has left internet explorer not working so had to download the MBAM onto a memory stick via a friends computer – It ran when i copied it over but found 545 infected files – recommending i purchase the full version to fix – Is this necessary – If so – Can i do so with a memory stick from friends computer again?? demented since thursday!!
Wasted a whole weekend trying to get rid of Security Tool…tried all suggestions and nothing worked. Then I found Trend Micro Housecall. Downloaded it from a clean computer to a USB stick. Then ran it on the infected computer in Safe Mode with Networking. Ran “scan whole computer”. It found all of the bad guys and fixed them. Infected computer is back to normal. Hope it works for everyone else with this rotten apple.
Sorry about that I have a problem with my pc and no site can help me.I can install malwarebytes update but I only run a scan in safe mode.Now it doesn’t find anything in safe mode.So I return to windows the programs still gives me error and won’t scan please help.
Lee, what the error ?
I can’t scan in window malwarebytes in windows but I can scan in safe mode.And I know something is wrong because I was able to watch youtube now I’m not able too.And at times my pc freezes in safe mode where I can’t use a thing.I’ve tried everything.Once I used combofix and I was able to make updates to the program because before I wasn’t able too.
Oh malwarebytes in safe mode didn’t find a thing.
Sorry this was the error I recevied An error has occured.Please report this error to our support team.
Run-time error’48’:
File not found: advapi32
Run-time error ‘0’
Lee, probably your computer is infected with a hidden trojan-rootkit. Start a new topic in our Spyware removal forum. I will help you to remove this malware.
I just did the malwarebytes quick scan, but I still have thinkpoint pop up every time I restart my computer. I keep scanning and there’s always these 3 objects infected. It wont go away even when I quarantine and delete them. How do I completely remove thinkpoint?
Ava, ask for help in our Spyware removal forum.
Does malwarebytes work on windows 7 systems. Picked up a virus with the red screen and the guy holding a stop sign telling me it can’t connect to web site and to click here to fix my computer. This is the place shown below.
websiteblockonline.com browser hijacker
I downloaded malwarbyte and did a full scan and it found no problems. Yes I did the update and we were in safe mode. Does it work with windows 7
Larry, looks like your computer is infected with a new malware. Try update malwarebytes once again and perform a fresh scan. If it does not help, then start a new topic in our Spyware removal forum. I will help you.
Please help!
I can download and install malwarebyte’s antimalware, but after i start a new scan after ~10 seconds program shutting down. I had a defragmenter malware, but i’ve deleted it. Please any help how to run scan?
Juozapas, begin a new topic in our Spyware removal forum. I will help you to remove this malware.
Please Help!
My laptop has been horribly infected by the Internet Antivirus 2011 virus. I can no longer access the internet from the laptop. After reading this site these are the steps I have taken but have been unsuccessful in running the Malware software.
1. I saved the install program to an external flashdrive. I tried running it but ran into issues as the Malware program was trying to access the internet to download files and I came onto a page asking for the ip address. So I moved on to step 2.
2. I actually installed the Malware software on the flashdrive. But when I tried running it when attached to the laptop. I got 2 runtime errors. The first one the screen heading \vbAcceerator S GridII Control\ Runtime 0. And the ohter \Malwarebyte Antimalware runtime 440 Automation Error\
Oh and I also tried renaming the exe before running it.
Please help. Any suggestions. Would be so appreciated. My 2 1/2 year old son misses the laptop too. He’s already tried calling the \bad man\ to yell at him for breaking his computer. Cute but besides making me laugh it too did not solve the problem.
Any further suggestions would be very greatly appreciated.
Sandra, try the following:
Click Start, type in Search field
Press Enter. It will open a Command console.
regsvr32 mbamext.dll
Press Enter.Type
regsvr32 ssubtmr6.dll
Press Enter.Type
regsvr32 vbalsgrid6.ocx
Press Enter.Type
regsvr32 zlib.dll
Press Enter.
Now try run Malwarebytes once again.
Hi I have this virus/malware. I had a run in with its first incarnation in Virus Scan 2010 and was able to get rid of it with Malwarebytes in November. This time I am having significantly more difficulty. I think I made the mistake of not updating Malwarebytes before running it. It found one unwanted program and deleted it. However when my computer rebooted the malware was still there and Malwarebytes wont run. I rebooted in safe mode but malwarebytes still would not run. I also no have no access to the internet on that computer. Antivir which is the antivirus software I have would run and detected 5 virus/malware programs and quarentined them however after full reboot the Virus/Malware is still there and preventing malwarebytes from running and preventing access to the internet. Antivir is currently running another scan. If that fails then what?
Eric, download fresh updates (mbam-rules) and move this file to your infected computer through cd-disk or flash drive.
Thank you my dear. You helped me more. Best wishes for you.
hi people
I am so very glad that your advice on how to remove the virus on my pc was very effective,i could not run the anti mbam but after reading your comments , i downloaded it on to a usb which could be ran there after. AM SO GRATEFUL. thank you very very very very much
I could not find mbam.ex. in safemode I ran Malwarebytes and no infections were found. Even in safemode the fake warning comes up. Any help is appreciated.
Thanx a million ! I got rid of Windows Optimal Settings virus by using “Fix 1 – Rename Main Executable File” a treat !
Steven, start a new topic in our Spyware removal forum. I will help you to remove this malware.
Thank you so much! Ran the TDSSKiller which found 1 infection. Rebooted and now all my services start and I can run Malwarebytes!
cannot update my malwarebytes i have the full paid for version help please
Finally I got rid of this nightmare with the help of this website. Thank you.
Hi there, everything is running fine with me, but Malware does not detect any System Tool when I do the quick scan. Any advice?
dwayne, try update Malwarebytes manually. Read the instructions above.