Vista Antispyware 2010 also known as Vista Antivirus 2010, Vista Guardian, Vista Antivirus Pro and Vista Internet Security 2010 is a rogue antispyware program that reports false infections and shows numerous fake security alerts as an attempt to trick you into buying the software. This program is installed through the use of trojans. When the trojan is started, it will download and install Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) onto your computer.
During installation, Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) will register itself in the Windows registry to run automatically every time when you start an application (files with “exe” extension). The rogue also uses this method of running to block the ability to run any programs, including security applications.
Once running, Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) will start a system scan and list a large amount of infections. All of these infections are fake, so you can safely ignore them. What is more, while the rogue is running, it will display fake security alerts and notifications with “Spyware infection has been found” or “Tracking software found” header. However, all of these alerts are fake.
Last but not least, Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) will hijack Internet Explorer and Firefox and display fake warnings when you opening a web site.
As you can see, Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) is scam, it is designed with one purpose to scare you into thinking that your computer in danger as a method to trick you into purchasing the full version of the program. If your computer is infected with this malware, then most importantly, do not purchase it! Uninstall the rogue from your PC as soon as possible. Use the removal guide below to remove Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) from your computer for free.
Use the following instructions to remove Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010, Vista Guardian, Vista Antivirus Pro or Vista Internet Security 2010)
Step 1. Repair “running of .exe files”.
Method 1
Click Start, Run. Type command and press Enter. Type notepad and press Enter.
Notepad opens. Copy all the text below into Notepad.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"%1\" %*"
"Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"
Save this as fix.reg to your Desktop (remember to select Save as file type: All files in Notepad.)
Double Click fix.reg and click YES for confirm.
Reboot your computer.
Method 2
Click Start, Run. Type command and press Enter. Type notepad and press Enter.
Notepad opens. Copy all the text below into Notepad.
HKCU, Software\Classes\.exe
HKCU, Software\Classes\secfile
HKCR, secfile
HKCR, .exe\shell\open\command
HKCR, exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKCR, .exe,,,"exefile"
HKCR, .exe,"Content Type",,"application/x-msdownload"
Save this as fix.inf to your Desktop (remember to select Save as file type: All files in Notepad.)
Right click to fix.inf and select Install. Reboot your computer.
Step 2. Remove Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) associated malware.
Download MalwareBytes Anti-malware (MBAM). Once downloaded, close all programs and windows on your computer.
Double-click on the icon on your desktop named mbam-setup.exe. This will start the installation of MalwareBytes Anti-malware onto your computer. When the installation begins, keep following the prompts in order to continue with the installation process. Do not make any changes to default settings and when the program has finished installing, make sure a checkmark is placed next to “Update Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware” and Launch “Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware”. Then click Finish.
MalwareBytes Anti-malware will now automatically start and you will see a message stating that you should update the program before performing a scan. If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version.
As MalwareBytes Anti-malware will automatically update itself after the install, you can press the OK button to close that box and you will now be at the main menu. You will see window similar to the one below.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Window
Make sure the “Perform quick scan” option is selected and then click on the Scan button to start scanning your computer for Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) infection. This procedure can take some time, so please be patient.
When the scan is finished a message box will appear that it has completed scanning successfully. Click OK. Now click “Show Results”. You will see a list of infected items similar as shown below.
Note: list of infected items may be different than what is shown in the image below.

Malwarebytes Anti-malware, list of infected items
Make sure all entries have a checkmark at their far left and click “Remove Selected” button to remove Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian). MalwareBytes Anti-malware will now remove all of associated Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) files and registry keys and add them to the programs’ quarantine. When MalwareBytes Anti-malware has finished removing the infection, a log will open in Notepad and you may be prompted to Restart.
Note: if you need help with the instructions, then post your questions in our Spyware Removal forum.
Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) creates the following files and folders
Vista Antispyware 2010 (Vista Antivirus 2010 or Vista Guardian) creates the following registry keys and values
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe\shell\open\command | @ = “”%AppData%\av.exe” /START “%1″ %*”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe\shell\open\command | IsolatedCommand = “”%1″ %*”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe | @ = “secfile”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe | Content Type = “application/x-msdownload”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\secfile\shell\open\command | @ = “”%AppData%\av.exe” /START “%1″ %*”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\secfile\shell\open\command | IsolatedCommand = “”%1″ %*”
Thank u very much ! Worked like a charm.
I followed all the instructions, downloaded the Malwarebytes’ and did the quick scan, but after it finished it said there was nothing found. Vista antispyware 2010 is still on and is still messing up the computer. How do I get rid of it?
I performed Step 1 Repair “running of .exe files”. Then downoaded and ran MalwareBytes and it didn’t find anything. Am I good to go? Also, is it normal for my MalwareBytes icon to have a Windows shield on it?
Mark, glad to help you 🙂
Shawn, if the instructions above does not help you, then ask for help in our Spyware removal forum.
M, you have updated Malwarebytes before scanning ? If yes, then probably your computer is infected with an updated version of the rogue. Ask for help in our Spyware removal forum.
Yes I think I updated Malware Bytes beforehand. The virus appears to be gone and I’ve regained my Security Center back to normal. Just have that shield on the icon. Spyware Doctor however, is finding a few Trojans with over 200 instances. Should I pay to remove?
M, at your choice. You can also open a new topic in our Spyware removal forum. I will check your computer.
I just found out I have this virus today and so I did a system restore which was saved yesterday. So far it hasnt popped back up, do you think it deleted it from my system or could it still be on my computer?
OH thank you thank you!!
I was about to go crazy with this bs. I knew it was fake but i didn’t know how i managed to get this. i mean i just made my new pc and installed a spyware program (uniblue). even have nortan atm.
thank u again!!
This virus just popped up on my computer today, I tried your steps and for some reason it wouldnt let me open the fix.reg file. It told me not all data was saved to registry and that some keys were still open by either the system or other processes. I have no clue about computers so I didnt know what to do. I did use system restore though and restored the computer from a point that was saved yesterday. So far the virus hasnt popped back up. Do you think that worked to get rid of it or could it still be on my computer?
Since I cannot connect to the internet explorer (this stupid Vista Antispyware 2010 virus stops me from accessing internet)… my Download of the Malwarebytes is trying to update and just times out after 25 min. How do I get past this step.
??? help?
Do you think my data files are infected? I just bought a new computer and wanted to backup and copy to the new computer before I went through this process. Good idea or not?
hey guys, im suck at this type of stuff so i need someone to help me out! It’s not letting me get to notepad, everytime i click it it gives me an Open With: box and a list of files.
someone said you have to change notepad from .exe to .com but i dont know how.
in general, I’m confused!
Hey thanks it worked!
any help?? I have tried 3x and rebooted, it still gets stuck on the update part of the Malwarebytes.
What do the registry edits do on a vista machine? I got an error when running the file, now nothing runs. I didn’t reboot yet because of the error.
Sorry, I accidently removed the first line from that fix.reg file. I added it back (the “Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00” part) and ran again and it was successful. Thank you so much!
Thank you guys; this thing was driving me crazy and OneCare wasn’t picking it up. I owe you one.
The MalwareBytes did not work for me, even though I updated it prior to running it. However, I did a full scan with Microsoft Security Essentials (also a free program) and it was found and cleaned right away. Thanks for your help.
thank you. with all the people wasting their time creating these malware programs, finally someone cares about people and offers a free fix
Kelsey, anyway you need scan your PC with an antispyware (Malwarebytes or SuperAntispyware).
HH, probably your computer is infected with TDSS trojan. Download TDSSKiller from here and unzip to your desktop.
Open TDSSKiller folder. Double click the TDSSKiller.
Follow the prompts.
Once finished, try run and update Malwarebytes.
Danielle, i think all your data is ok. You can check it using an online virus scanner.
as a note, you can right click a program and pick RUN AS ADMIN and it will run that way as well (instead of step 1)
Emma, Click My computer.
Turn on “show file extensions for known file types” by doing:
* Click the Tools menu and click Folder Options.
* After the new window appears select the View tab.
* Put a checkmark in the checkbox labeled Display the contents of system folders.
* Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Hide file extensions for known file types.
* Press the Apply button and then the OK button.
* Now your computer is configured to show file extensions for known file types.
Navigate to C:\ Windows \ System32 folder.
Copy notepad.exe to your desktop.
Right click to it, select rename and type the new name ( Run it.
I wanted to share my experience. Apparently I was also infected with this virus. Something popped up and told me I neded to update/purchase the program, run a scan, found some threats, etc. But I never acceded to nothing. Nevertheless, the program still appeared.
So I tried your “fix.reg”, but it said it could not load/import the data, something like it. Then I looked manually for the registry entries listed on here, but there was none. Then I used the Task Manager, where I could see the “av.exe” running. I looked at the Properties tab to find its location. It was on a temporary (sp?) folder. There were not proper folder installed on the PC.
I figured out that program somehow did not install, and I rebooted my PC. Now, it vanished. It does not longer appear on Task Manager nor has popped up again. I don’t know what happened, I assume the trick is to never accede to anything in the first place.
My advice, before trying to do ANYTHING is to be sure your computer is really infected, looking for installed folder or the provided registry entries, and THEN procceed to whatever solution may suit you. I downloaded, but did not run, the Malwarebyte, though. I don’t like installing/running programas until is really necessary, and so far I haven’t had any problems again.
Matthew, click Start, Run, type regedit and press Enter.
Registry editor opens.
Navigate in the left panel to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Clients \ StartMenuInternet \ IEXPLORE.EXE \ shell \ open \ command
I the right part of window click twice to “@”. You will see a screen with the contents like below: “C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\av.exe” /START “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”
Remove left part, leave only “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”.
Repeat the previous steps for Firefox, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Clients \ StartMenuInternet \ FIREFOX.EXE
thanx u really helped
finally got rid of the dumb crap vista guardian!!!!
this 2010 was a tough one. I was determined to get rid of it using free programs. Malwarebytes was my first choice but 2010 would not let me install the program. Smart. I looked for a solution to that problem online. Older post said rename the the bam File (that’s the start up file for malwarebytes) that did not work. So needed another FREE program 2010 did not know about. Went to and used ” a-squared free” malware removal program.
It loaded and updated so I ran it . It found lots of problems on the PC. It found the 2010 malware and labeled as a high threat. It got rid of the 2010 malware. Great.
but after reboot the laptop no longer open any EXE files. That means no program would open since every program starts with a EXE file to open. Made the laptop useless. Now I have no idea if a-square free messed with my registry or if 2010 took a finale parting shot and disabled open EXE files.
There are lots of payed programs saying they can fix this. But I’m cheap so I decided to restore the laptop to the latest know working condition in the restore menu.
That worked and the 2010 did not come back with the restore.
problem solved and NO money changed hands.
Malwarebytes loaded after that and would recommend to any one to load the free version and run it often.
ken mol
march 4 2010
Posting the fix that worked for me. might not work for you. But all steps are free nothing im selling and nothing to buy